IRCCloud ftw!

March 12, 2013

I recently discovered IRCCloud and it has brought me back to IRC.  I no longer have to worry about opening or maintaing a client or an IRC bot.  I can check into IRC on my own terms and easily catch up on what I’ve missed (even days of history) with little effort.  Perfect!

But it gets better.  After a day or so playing around with IRCCloud, I hopped into the feedback channel to give some props to the IRCCloud team and ask some questions.  I had noticed that I couldn’t page up/down through the history using the keyboard.  Look what happened:

IRCCloud continuous delivery

From feature request to deployment in under 4 hours… now that is continuous delivery!  Well done, IRCCloud!!!

IRCloud is still in a beta phase.  You can sign up, but it might be a while before you get an invite.  If you’re looking for an invite to IRCCloud Beta, let me know and I may be able to send you one.