Tab Stack for Safari

December 1, 2015

I recently decided to try switching from Chrome to Safari for a while… to see if it might buy me a little more battery life on my aging MacBook Pro. One of the immediate drawbacks I discovered was realizing how accustomed I had become to the Tab Stack extension for Chrome. It’s a simple workaround for MRU (most recently used) tab ordering that moves the active tab to the left after a brief delay (the delays lets you scan through tabs without re-ordering them). It’s a bit hacky and I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t care for the approach, but I’m used to it and immediately noticed its absence in Safari.

I googled around and didn’t find an equivalent extension for Safari… so I made one and submitted it to Apple’s gallery. I’ve added an extra hack to mitigate Safari’s insistence on clearing the address bar when tabs are moved (move new tabs immediately) as a version 1.1.