@should do behavior-driven testing

May 5, 2014

In 2008, when OpenMRS was struggling to adopt better test-driven development practices, I was lucky enough to read Dan North’s Introducing BDD.  As Dan says:

It suddenly occurred to me that people’s misunderstandings about TDD almost always came back to the word “test”.Dan North

How true!  For example, it’s common to see something like this when you start creating unit tests:

public class PatientTest {
  public void testPatient() {
    // test stuff here

The next question is, what gets tested in a method called “testPatient”? I suppose the only wrong answer is “nothing.” But the problem is there are an infinite number of right answers… because “testPatient” doesn’t say anything about the behavior. As Dan points out, simply replacing the word “test” with the word “should” is a game changer. Let’s try again, except this time we will use “should” in our method name:

public class PatientTest {
  public void addIdentifier_shouldNotAddIdentifierThatIsInListAlready() {
    // make sure an identifier isn't duplicated

It’s much easier to guess what will be tested inside that unit test’s method. That’s good… but it gets better. Dan’s suggestion of “should” not only places the focus on behavior, it also automagically forces testing to be scoped to a specific behavior, since any developer who sees a method name wrapping onto its third line instantly knows she is going about testing the wrong way and will look for help. Dan gives a great justification for this approach… but he had me at should.

Given Dan’s insight into using “should” instead of “test” to drive BDD, the trick was figuring out how we could engrain this approach within the OpenMRS community.  After some discussion, we came up with an idea that I’m still proud of today and I believe has helped us adopt a better testing culture.  Here’s what we did…

@should Javadoc tags

Testing is often filled with cookie-cutter code and requires additional effort that is difficult to sustain.  We wanted to find a way to overcome both of these challenges.  What we needed was a trivially easy way to generate behavior-focused tests.  So, we invented the @should Javadoc tag to allow developers to describe expected behaviors within the Javadoc and then we paid someone to develop an IDE plugin to auto-generate the test methods from existing method names.

Now that we have the @should tag, let’s take on more stab at testing.  Imagine you are writing some code for the Patient object…

public class Patient {
  public void addIdentifier(PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier) {
    // ...

You know that an identifier shouldn’t be added twice for the same patient, so you simply state that behavior in the Javadoc:

public class Patient {
   * @should not add identifier that is in list already
  public void addIdentifier(PatientIdentifier patientIdentifier) {
    // ...

That’s it.  You’re already doing BDD!  Now, you tell your IDE to generate any missing unit tests for Patient and it automatically generates this method stub for you in the appropriate location:

public class PatientTest {
  public void addIdentifier_shouldNotAddIdentifierThatIsInListAlready) {
    // write your test here

The IDE plugin automatically derives the proper location and method name from your @should tag and the associated method.  Now you can focus on testing that specific behavior without having to worry about any cookie-cutter code and adopting BDD is as simple as writing a Javadoc comment.

Benefits of using the @should Javadoc tag

Final Thoughts

We still have a long way to go down the road to full BDD, but I was very happy with our first step.  Over the years, the @should tag has become a handy tool for establishing a behavior-driven culture of testing; in fact, it has helped us adopt testing in general.  For any Java-shop that is wondering “How do we get our developers to start testing their code?”, I would strongly encourage you to read Dan North’s writings and consider adopting the @should Javadoc tag.

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