Twice as fast. Half the battery life.

July 13, 2008

I’m enjoying my new iPhone 3G, though I haven’t gotten much time on a 3G network with it yet (at the summer cottage this weekend). Had to get a white one to get 16 gig (even though I was about 30th in line, the AT&T store had already sold out of black). It has noticeably worse battery life when 3G is turned on. Not a big surprise, but increasing the need for certain accessories. Rather than wondering what phone he used before the iPhone, I’m very curious if Steve Jobs is going to use an iPhone 3G as his day-to-day cell phone. That might be our best chance of finally getting a replaceable battery.

So far, Paul has been holding out for an Android phone. I’m too much of an early adopter. Steve Jobs has already milked me out of about five iPods, a MacBook Pro, and two iPhones. It won’t take much for me to switch to an Android phone if it can compete (or improve…can you say “cut and paste?”) on the iPhone.